R 012523MB0017CHAMPAIGN - State Senator Paul Faraci has introduced Senate Bill 1439, which would expand the Illinois income tax credit for classroom materials to include educators at public universities, colleges and community colleges.

"Teachers and educators at all levels play a vital role in shaping our future generations, and it is important that we support their efforts in every way we can," said Faraci (D-Champaign). "Expanding the income tax credit for classroom materials to include college educators is a common-sense step towards providing them with the resources they need to enhance the learning experience for their students."

 Under current law, Illinois provides an income tax credit for classroom materials purchased by teachers, instructors, counselors, principals, or aides working in a qualified school, which is defined as a public or nonpublic K-12 school. The credit is limited to $500 per taxpayer per taxable year.

Senate Bill 1439 would broaden the definition of “qualified school” to include public institutions of higher learning, effectively allowing college educators to claim the credit starting in taxable year 2024.

The Illinois income tax credit for classroom materials is a valuable resource for educators, allowing them to offset the cost of materials such as books, supplies and technology. By expanding the credit to college educators, Senate Bill 1439 will help to ensure that all teachers, instructors, counselors, principals or aides who work in a qualified school are eligible for this valuable benefit.

Senator Faraci encourages his fellow lawmakers to support Senate Bill 1439, which will help to support our educators and promote a strong and vibrant learning environment in Illinois.